Are autocomplete passwords safe?

Advertisements and suggestions based on our internet browsing habits are sources of online tracking. However, autocomplete passwords are also another source of online tracking. This sneaky tactic comes with serious security risks. Here’s how you can stop it from targeting you. Why auto-fill passwords are so dangerous As of December 2018, there are 4.1 billion […]

VPNs: Why you need them

Installing antivirus software and setting strong passwords are no longer considered the bare minimum in cybersecurity. With hackers, third parties, and ISPs constantly monitoring networks and your online habits, hopping onto a virtual private network (VPN) is crucial for keeping your surfing habits private. Here’s why. What is a VPN? The best way to describe […]

Don’t give social media hackers a chance

Pranksters, malicious attackers, extremists — hackers come in different forms, but they all have one thing in mind: compromising your online privacy and security. Some of them specialize in hacking social media, but don’t fret; there are several things you can do to protect your Facebook or Twitter account. Lockscreens exist for a reason Make […]

How HIPAA Impacts Social Media Usage

Social Media can be an effective tool for sharing experiences, building professional connections, and broadcasting conventional healthcare announcements to the public. However, careless posts that have client or patient-specific information could ruin the reputation of any healthcare organization. On April 14, 2003, the “Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act” (HIPAA) became law with the goal […]

3 ways to ensure your FB data is private

The public went into a frenzy when reports surfaced that Cambridge Analytica, a UK-based data analytics firm, retrieved millions of Facebook users’ private information without their knowledge. But that doesn’t mean you can’t do anything about it, and here are 3 ways to guarantee your data remains private. Download your Facebook data The thought of […]

Why is Skype’s new feature so important

With more targeted attacks on social networking services than ever, private conversations with your business partners can become public information. To prevent this, Skype has released a new feature that ensures complete privacy by encrypting all types of communication. Here are some of the features. Benefits of using Private Conversations Named ‘Private Conversations’ by Microsoft, […]

Think before saving logins to your browser

There are a number of reasons you should be wary of saving your password to a digital platform. Just look at Yahoo’s data breach in 2013, which leaked passwords for three billion people. Even when your password isn’t compromised, saving it to a browser could have serious implications for your privacy. Why auto-fill passwords are […]

Cybersecurity Essentials: VPN

Whether it’s because of government surveillance or cyberattacks, internet users are more concerned than ever about the privacy of their online activities. Unfortunately, security measures like firewalls and antivirus software can’t help you in this case, but there’s one that can: Virtual Private Network (VPN). What is VPN? Simply put, a VPN is a group […]

Did Microsoft commit a security breach?

In case you didn’t know, Microsoft provides Office 365 users with a free document-sharing platform called It’s a great new tool for publishing files intended for public viewing. The downside is, sensitive documents are published without the file owners’ permission. These include hundreds of users who might be unaware that their private files can […]

Google and the art of safe mobile browsing

With the vast majority of end users turning to Google as their search engine or default browser of choice, it comes as no surprise to learn that the company takes security seriously. But in a perpetually changing landscape where anti-virus and anti-malware tools are constantly chasing their tails in order to stay up to date […]